2019年4月1日 星期一

Shared from https://thebkf.net/ultimate-bench-press-tutorial-for-all-beginners/

Have you been trying hard to bench press for a long time but can't see a significant result or even you can barely lift your body weight? Then you may have made these mistakes!

If you think the Bench Press is just an exercise to push a bar up and down, that'd be absolutely wrong!
Bench Press is considered the best exercise to increase the size of your pecs. But, please remember that you should do it before getting enough knowledge and understanding its risk. Or, you better hire a professional trainer. And that's what Body Knowledge Park wants to deliver to our reader, "Lift your knowledge of what you're doing."
People all love the bench press. Nowadays, the bench press has literally become the measure of the man. “Whaddya bench, bro?”, that's no wonder the benches are the most popular equipment in the gym.
The key to getting a killer chest is not about how many sets you do or how many weights you can lift, but how you do it right and get depth in feeling the tension where the weight is giving back to you.
However, there are 7 common mistakes that you might often see from other people in a gym or it's happening on you but you even don't know about it.

7 Common Mistakes For Bench Press

#1 Hips off the bench

hips off bench
Lifting your hips transforms your body into an arch from your feet to your shoulders, it'd put a massive strain on your spine and pretty much to get injured.
Please don't do this. You should keep your gluteus on the bench all the times. Also, arch with your upper-back and thoracic spine, not your lower back.
Back arching technique is mainly used by powerlifters in order to shorten the distance the barbell has to move espcially in a contest, but not for any beginners.

#2 Bar Bouncing

bar bouncing
That's sort of cheating. When you bounce the bar off your chest, you’re using momentum to lift the weight. This means that your muscles are actually doing LESS work, and this will also result in less muscle growth and strength development.
Furthermore, if it comes to a heavyweight, the bouncing is highly possible to ruin your chest, shoulders and cause terrible injury.

#3 Unfixed Feet

unfixed feet
Slack feet can cause many problems not only for bench press but most of the heavy training in the gym.
Your feet should be planted firmly into the ground and they shouldn’t move during the entire set. Despite the bench press works out your upper body, but it requires your whole body, including your legs and core muscle group, to make the exercise work in place.

#4 Pressing With Scapula.

When you perform the bench press with your shoulder blades flattened out, your shoulders lose their solid contact with the bench and have nothing to properly drive backward against.
Not only does this reduce the total amount of weight you can press, but it also places undo stress on the shoulder joints as well.
In order to stabilize your shoulders and prevent potential injuries, always ensure that your scapula is retracted and locked down throughout the bench press exercise.
bench press shoulders back and down

#5 Incorrect Bar Path

incorrect bar path
The path of the barbell is not a straight up and down. Actually, it should start from the parallel to the top of your shoulder and end at your lower chest. This distance is longer than with a vertical bar path. But it prevents shoulder injury.

#6 Improper Grip Width.

If you grip the bar too wide or too narrow, your forearms are forced into an unnatural angle that compromises your strength and increases the stress on your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Using a medium grip just outside shoulder width is optimal for bench pressing.

#7 Wrong Breathing

Weak breathing would tremendously reduce your strength to the entire result of bench press. This is a common mistake for most beginners that they can't improve their weight of bench press just because of the wrong breathing method.
Always make sure take a deep breath before your first rep, then exhausting at the top. Regarding the inhale timing, it can be either done at the top after exhausting or do it during lower the barbell.

Wanna improve your bench press performance?

Making a checklist and make sure you are doing these correctly during the entire bench press process.

1. Bench position

Line up your eyes with the bar and make sure your neck is positioned neutrally to prevent injury.

2. Set your feet

There are several ‘acceptable’ foot positions, all of which require your feet to be firmly planted on the floor. Try to keep your feet back toward your butt as far as you can while still keeping them flat on the ground. Depending on your height and body type, having a natural and firm position is the priority.
If you've got your feet planted firmly on the floor, you will be able to generate power by pushing from that base when you hit the dreaded sticking point.
Having your feet on the floor also helps maintain the arch in your back, which we'll explain in the next section.

3. Arch your upper back

As mentioned, arching your upper back and lock down your shoulder blades at the same time. Setting your scapula backward and keeping it attached to the bench during the whole press as possible as you can.
It allows you to avoid too much engagement of the scapula, reduce the possibility of injury and create more senses for the chest when you push up the barbell.

4. Hand placement

Your grip width will depend on your body type and goals. There are various grips used in performing the barbell bench press, but today we'll just focus on the general grip used for the standard barbell bench press.
You may have never given much thought to how wide apart you place your hands on the bar when benching, but simply moving your hands in and out on the bar has big effects. It can direct the stimulus from your upper to lower pecs, or from the inner to outer pecs. Your grip can even alter the range of motion and how much weight you can push.
hand placement bench press
Making sure that your wrists are in a neutral position, as this places great stress on your wrist. You can also lift more and produce more power by utilizing this positioning.

5. Lower the weight slowly

Now, nicely controlling the barbell and lowering the weight slowly to your lower chest, utilizing your chest, triceps, and back hold the weight down.
When barbell comes to the button of your lower chest, your upper arm and forearm should form a 90-degree angle. Remember, the RM (repetition maximum) is just a number of goal, more importantly, is to feel the tension where the stress comes from weight instead of bouncing it up and down meaninglessly.

6. Push back the barbell

Use your whole body in the push back. Push against the floor with your feet. Keep your upper back muscles tensed and keep the upper back on the bench for stability. The power of push back should be produced from your feet first then deliver it to your back and explode the strength upward to your chest in the end.

7. Squeeze the barbell

By squeezing the bar, your arms, chest, lats, legs, and glutes will tense up—and that needs to happen when you have a heavy weight over your chest. Squeezing the bar will activate the triceps more and help you with a stronger bench press.
Imagining you're trying to bend the barbell (even it's not possible) but just imagine that.

Last but not least

Don't let wrong breathing messes up your entire process. Keeping the breath smoothly and regularly, tense your core muscles and make sure your chest is involved as possible as you can.

Now you have the tools to bench safely and effectively.
If you're interested in upgrading to a higher level faster, let's check what Mike Westerdal said in

"The Critical Bench Program 2.0"

and "How A Skinny Kid With Asthma Achieved a 452 Pound Bench Press & Packed On 75 Pounds Of Muscle Mass In The Process!"

2018年12月28日 星期五

WIX 2019新年限時50%折扣方案 | 瘋狂老爹 |台灣

好消息! 剛剛收到了WIX送來的新年賀禮,"限時50%優惠方案" for Yearly Unlimited & eCommerce以上的方案都可以享受折扣。 時間只到2019年1月1日喔!



2018年12月27日 星期四

最新WIX 付費方案優惠攻略 (升級前必看) | 2019瘋狂老爹 | 台灣



如果你是新用戶,通常在開始使用的一個月內(時間不太一定)WIX會透過入站的各種介面送出50% OFF的限時優惠圖案。 記住,這些優惠通常都是限時的,如果你已經打定主意正在執行的這個網站未來是要付費的,那請千萬把握在時間內完成升級,這可以省下非常多的錢喔。
馬上前往你的WIX查看-->,這可是幾百美金的差別阿~ (完成付款後WIX有提供14天猶豫期)



除此之外,WIX也會不定時搭配每年的一些特別節慶提出限時優惠。 通常會以email寄送到你的信箱,這也是另外一個省錢的好時機喔

最新介紹WIX 付費方案 | 2019瘋狂老爹 | 台灣

時機歹歹,老爹發現周遭朋友越來越多選擇離開職場自行創業。除了開餐廳以外,最多的就是網路創業。 有的利用網路平台接單接案,有的利用購物平台賣東西,也有許多朋友栽入了Affiliate marketing聯盟行銷。

無論哪一種,在開始網路創業的第一個階段就是找到自己可以"曝光"的平台。 他可以是免費的Facebook, twitter, Instagram, blogger...etc., 或是選擇自架網站。 而WiX因為簡單,直覺操作,快速這些優勢而成為了很多人的首選。 當然WiX提供了永久免費與付費兩種選擇,依照每個人網站內容的需求可以自行決定。


PS:想要升級的朋友可以參考這篇 最新WIX 付費方案優惠攻略 (升級前必看) | 2019瘋狂老爹 | 台灣


1. 一般網站 (Blog, 企業官網, 飯店民宿訂房網...等)
2. 網路商店 (可以透過系統線上刷卡,paypal進行收款)





透過老爹簡單的翻譯,相信各位想要升級成付費用戶的朋友應該更清楚的了解自己要的是什麼了。 方案是WIX包裝出來的,產品包含的內容都不太一樣。建議想要升級的朋友除了價錢以外,更重要的是考慮到自己網站未來的發展性,可能會需要的容量、工具有哪些。

另外WIX的Email Marketingl是一個不錯的主動式email行銷廣告工具,如果這本來就是你行銷重點的一環,那麼每個月的數量限制就該是你考慮的項目。

當然如果一開始你先從低的方案開始選,隨時都可以透過upgrade來擴充你原有的方案。不過升級的差價就要看當時有沒有優惠了。至於能不能降級呢?? 這老爹沒試過...

2018年12月25日 星期二

你可能不知道WIX的7個強大功能 | 2019 - 瘋狂老爹 | 台灣


WIX其實可以算是個半封閉的網頁設計平台,可以相容並且搭載在WIX上面的app相對於Wordpress來說比較少。就像是ios跟android系統一樣,想要搭載在這類封閉性的平台上面的軟體,除了相容的程式語言外,還需要經過嚴格的審核,來避免掉一些垃圾或是駭客寫入的程式。  就像老爹用慣了Iphone,並不覺得IOS支援的APP沒有andorid來的豐富而對於生活造成太大的困擾,反而,我對於執行每一個我手機上的程式相當地放心。 畢竟我們不是專家,無法得知或去深入了解每一個安裝的程式可能會帶來的風險。  就像老爹常說的,專業的事還是交給專業的來。 花太多的時間在不是自己的專業上,不會為你的人生加分。

至於WIX本身提供的軟體是否真的少得可憐?  那倒也不是。


1. 在WIX上面發表blog

想要在WiX上面加入你的Blog,簡直就是彈指之間的工作。在編輯頁面左側下方,就可以發現一個My Blog的按鈕。

你可以選擇在任何一個頁面加入Blog的元素,或是新增一個空白頁面add a new page,然後點選 Add Blog Elements並且把它拖曳到你想要的地方,並且把這個頁面改名為Blog或是任何你想要的名字。

WIX Blog提供了許多的版面讓你選擇想要呈現的方式。

想要新增文章,就進到Manage posts裡面點選Create new post就可以了。 這邊順帶一題的是,New WIX Blog目前是無法修改文章內文字體,而是依照當初所選的版面設計提供最佳字型,這點老爹倒是有點不方便。

除了WiX本身的WiX Blog以外,WiX商店裡面也整合了Google Blogger 以及Easy Blog等其他軟體。 例如老爹也將自己的Blogger整合到了自己的網站 MADPAPA,有興趣同學可以前去逛逛。

2018年12月23日 星期日

如何讓你的WiX網站被Google搜尋到? 2019瘋狂老爹 | 台灣

相信各位WIX的愛好者,在歷經許久的建站之後,一定興致勃勃地馬上想要到google上面搜尋一下自己的網站是否能被搜尋到。 接著,你可能會頭昏眼花的點開了接下來google提供的幾十頁搜尋結果,試圖利用自己的eagle eyes從上到下迅速掃描頁面,並且告訴自己: 我的網站才剛上線,一定排名在很後面...... (其實這是老爹自己做的事)

想要被Google這個黃金搜尋引擎給找到,並且秀出來在搜尋結果的前幾頁,你需要的除了時間,還有鈔票 (花錢買Google ads, SEO plan...etc.)。 SEO領域涉及範圍太廣,所以今天我們就不討論。 但是在此之前,你也可以透過所謂的手動設定,把你辛苦做好的網站提交到Google引擎,告訴這位老大哥,讓他知道你有東西上線了,請他接下來的日子多多關照。

其實WIX提供了非常完整的FAQ資源,透過WIX Help Center,或是在網路上搜尋問題的關鍵字,基本上都可以解決百分之八九十的問題了。

只是,這WIX居然到現在都還沒有出中文介面?! 這可苦了一班子專於設計而疏於英文的熱血青年們。 不過沒關係,接下來老爹簡單的引導一下大家,如何把自己辛苦做好的WIX網站手動登錄到Google search console上面。 (老人廢話多...)

2018年12月6日 星期四

為甚麼你也應該用WIX | 淺談老爹接觸WIX的起源 | - 2019瘋狂老爹 | 台灣

想要自己架設網站,但是完全不懂網頁設計,程式語言?? 那麼,WIX是一個不錯的選擇!


老爹以前公司因為一個新品牌要上市,內容會與原本的業務內容有衝突,所以找來了網頁設計公司架設新的網站。因為是新的業務,所以沒有太多的預算在建構網頁上面,最終我們選擇了大概台幣五萬元左右的方案(在當時來說這簡直便宜到逆天了)。  當然了,這個價格之所以可以這麼便宜,因為網頁設計公司提供的只是一種簡易的套版服務。 所謂的"套版",就是他們已經有做好了數十種的模板、網頁配置、功能。  而我們的新網站,也就只是把我們要的圖片、文字套進去他的模板裡面。  當然,我們起初仔細地選擇了最適合我們業務的版型,並且也在兩個月內順利上線了我們的新網站。  但是問題來了,因為過沒幾個月,因為產品內容的異動,導致我們必須在網站上加入一些小功能,例如設置一個技術資料專區,讓客戶可以藉由自己的帳戶密碼登入,並且下載所需的資料。  沒錯,這個在我現在看來非常簡單的一個動作,而且可能數個小時就可以做好的事情,我們被當初的網頁設計公司索取了上萬元的費用,而期間不斷地電話往返確認細節,修改,直到最後的校對,足足花了我們將近半個月的時間。  這也就是為甚麼第一次發現WIX這個工具的時候,我是如此的激動,也覺得以前那些錢跟時間都是浪費的。 


WiX強大之處,在於它幾乎免費提供了所需的工具(數百種免費模板,免費版權圖庫,網路商店,各種網頁外掛設計),無論你是免費或是付費用戶,讓你可以完完全全地"體驗"這個平台的強大,而不是給你點餅乾屑,然後告訴你只要你付錢了,好吃的在後頭呢! 這就是我一直很佩服猶太人做生意的獨到之處,他們看穿了消費者的心理需求,突破傳統商業迷思,創造自己的營利模式。

談到這邊明眼人應該也發現在文章的字裡行間,老爹完全就是個網頁設計的門外漢,完全不具備什麼網頁設計的技能,更談不上程式語言。而WIX的平台設計,正好符合我這種人的需求。 它的平台介面就像是在使用Office的word或是power point那樣的簡單,幾乎所有的物件都可以透過拖曳的方式來新增,或是移動到你想要的位置去。你可以隨意變更你的版面配置,替換模板裡面的圖片、顏色、字體。上傳你自己的照片圖片,讓他變得更像屬於你自己的網站。

從進入頁面開始,WIX提供的各式各樣的wiz(引導精靈?),依照你提供的訊息自動生成內容,非常方便。 當然如果上手了,你也可以選擇自己來,找出適合的模板,迅速的建構你要的網站。

還記得老爹第一次用WIX把網站建好發佈後,把WIX提供的免費網址分享給許多朋友看。記得好幾個朋友都問我: 這網站質感不錯耶,花了不少錢吧?  這些無知的評論讓我屁股不自覺得翹了起來。 當然這些朋友,就跟你我一樣,都是一般大眾、一般消費者,他們不會去注意太多的專業細節。 


就像我前面舉的例子,增加一個頁面,多幾個選項功能的東西,我完全可以在WIX上面不花一毛錢並且在幾個小時內就製作完成。這邊不是說一些網站設計、程式語言不重要,而是你得清楚知道自己要的是什麼,而不是設計公司業務說什麼你都照單全收?  畢竟一個成功的網站,除了提供有價值的內容,還得靠長期用心經營。如何把你的蓋好的豪華商場讓別人知道,讓客戶上門,這才是重點,而這需要的正是專業,需要的是技術分析。這些東西你可以去了解,但是不建議你自己來,除非哪天又出了個完全入門行銷方案,讓你可以短時間做好這些事情,否則還是讓專業的來吧。

如果你想要建立的是一個類似yahoo購物中心、pchome 線上購物? 那可能WIX無法滿足你的需求。  但如果你要的功能只是單純類似擁有自己的blog、設計發表、網路接案、企業形象網站、品牌建立,那我相信WIX是可以勝任的。

經過測試,WIX提供的方案可能會因為你登記的國家而有所不同。 通常亞洲地區(已知台灣)方案如下


如果有想要升級成付費的朋友,可以參考老爹WIX blog上面的優惠專區,在結帳頁面底下promo code輸入折扣碼,可以省下一小筆費用喔!

Shared from  https://thebkf.net/ultimate-bench-press-tutorial-for-all-beginners/ Have you been trying hard to bench press for a long time...